Story-act titled "अहं के टकराव में बुद्धि की विजय"

Hello everyone, wishing you all a very happy Ganesh Chaturthi. 

You all know that Ganesha is worshiped 'first' during any Pooja, and there are many stories emphasising this point. I am going to narrate one such story to you. 

You all would also know that in such stories there are many variations because of regional beliefs etc. Hence, in case you notice any factual difference between the following story and the facts as per your knowledge, I request you to focus on the meaning than the actual fact. 

The moral of this story also says: 

Its more important to be meaningful than being literally correct

So lets enjoy the story titled "अहं के टकराव में बुद्धि की विजय".

|| Part 1 "Introduction of Trimurti" begins ||

In our mythological stories, there is a mention of three main Lords. We address them as भगवान. 

The first mention is of Brahma, who is also known as Creator - who has created each and everything, all forms of life - on this earth, and the universe. Lord Brahma describes himself as:

मैंने ही ब्रह्मांड बनाया 
जीव जंतु की रचना की 
कभी न थकता रचना करते 
परमपिता सब मुझको कहते। 

Then comes the mention of Vishnu. Vishnu is known as पालनकर्ता. Vishnu has had human avatars or incarnations (as Rama, Krishna, etc.). He has closely experienced human life, and he has demonstrated the right-possible behaviour pattern in many difficult situations faced in life of his incarnations. Lord Vishnu describes himself as:

परम पिता की रचना का
पालनकर्ता मैं विष्णु 
जीवन का मैं अनुभव करके 
सही रह का पाठ सिखाता 
धर्म के लिए राह बनाता। 

Next, there is a mention of Shiva. Shiva is known as Destroyer. Shiva is associated with destruction. However, this destruction is not for end, but it is needed for recreation. Lord Shiva describes himself as:

मैं शिवा, मैं भोलेनाथ, और मैं ही नटराज 
वैसे तो मैं हूँ अनंत, पर मैं ही लाता अंत 
अंत तो एक शब्द है पर है ये नयी शुरुआत 
रचना विकृत जब हो जाये तब चाहे पुनर-आकर। 

|| Part 2 "Devataon ki Sabha" begins ||

In our stories, there is also a mention of 64 crores देवी-देवता। 

These gods and goddesses are like 'task managers', and each of them own a task that is needed for the existence and running of this earth, and the universe. 

Once upon a time, a meeting took place where all the gods and goddesses were present. During that meeting, a few of them got a feeling of being superior to others. 

Since, all gods and goddesses have important roles to play in the existence of the universe, they started defining their importance and to prove their might. 

At first, Indra Dev got up, and said:

जल ही जीवन, जल से ही जीवन 
जल पर है मेरा नियंत्रण 
मैं चाँहू तब मेघ ये बरसें 
देवराज मैं, हूँ सर्वोत्तम। 

Next, Agni Dev got up, and said:

बिना अग्नि के कैसा जीवन?
बिना ताप के कैसे मेघा?
सूर्यदेव के तेज के आगे 
भला टिका है तेज किसी का?
कौन टिकेगा मेरे आगे?
अग्निदेव मैं सबसे पहले।

Next, son of Lord Shiva, Kartikeya, came forward, and articulated his reasons for being the greatest:

देवों में देव महादेव 
उनका जयेष्ठ पुत्र मैं, कार्तिकेय 
शिव का अंश है मुझमें 
श्रेष्ठ हूँ मैं देवों में। 

Next, Devi Lakshmi came in front, and said:

मैं लक्ष्मी, मैं देवी धन की 
मैं कारण सारे साधन की 
प्रगति भी मुझसे आंकी जाती 
मैं धूमधाम से पूजी जाती। 

In response, Devi Saraswati questioned:

बिना ज्ञान के कैसे साधन?
बिना कला के कैसा उत्सव?
मनुष्य तो धन तभी कमाता 
जब ज्ञान उसका साथ निभाता। 

Likewise, all (64 crores) gods and goddesses presented their points. On listening to that, Narad Muni came forward, and said:

तर्क निकालेंगे नहीं 
इस समस्या का समाधान 
शक्ति प्रदर्शन ही बचा 
एकमात्र निदान। 

And, he suggested:

अगर आप सच्चे संचालक 
जाने सृष्टि का नियंत्रण 
करें तीन परिक्रमा इसकी 
और सिद्ध करें अपना स्थान। 

After listening to Narad Muni's apt challenge, all the gods and goddesses agreed to contest so as to prove their greatness. They sat on their respective वाहन, and proceeded to complete three rounds of universe. 

|| Part 3 "Ganesha on Kailash" begins ||

Ganesha, who was also in the competition, took a turn in between and came to Kailash, at Himalaya, where his parents Lord Shiva and Devi Parvati resided. As Ganesha came to Kailash, it appeared as though he wanted to pray to his parents before starting on his task. 

Ganesha worshiped his parents, Lord Shiva and Devi Parvati, and circumambulated them thrice. And he said to his mother:

माते मेरा कार्य सिद्ध हुआ। 

Listening to that, his mother, Devi Parvati questioned:

अभी तो तुमने किया प्रणाम 
कदम निकाला नहीं यहाँ से 
विजय हुई तुम्हारी कैसे?

So, Ganesha articulated his logic of having completed the defined task:

जो पिता गंगाधर 
जिस माँ का काली, दुर्गा अवतार 
गौरीशंकर, चंद्रमौलि के आगे 
क्या ब्रह्माण्ड का विस्तार?

And repeated:

माते मेरा कार्य सिद्ध हुआ। 

As Ganesha concluded his reasons, Narad Muni came supporting his point, and said:

नारायण नारायण॥ 
बुद्धिमान ही बोलेगा ऐसी सच्ची बात 
शक्ति का सही उपयोग है बुद्धि की सौगात। 

And he supported the fact that Ganesha had successfully completed his task first, in the most simple manner. 

|| Part 4 "Return of all Gods and Goddesses on Kailash" begins ||

In the meantime, all the gods and goddesses started to return after completing their tasks, and arrived at Kailash, where Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva were present at that moment. 

On Kailash, they all saw that Ganesha was already there, and tried to understand the situation. Looking at their inquisitive expressions, Narad Muni explained the situation to them, and proclaimed that Ganesha had won the contest. He, further, challenged them:

रखें अपना तर्क अगर निर्णय लगे न उत्तम 
वरना फिर ये सिद्ध रहा कि गणेश हुए सर्वोत्तम। 

In response, all gods and goddesses agreed that Ganesha had won the competition by completing his task in most simple and logical manner, before everyone else did. Hence,

मंद-मंद मुस्काये सभी फिर 
दिए कोटि आशीष 
राह करो तुम सबकी अग्रसर
देवों  में प्रथम गणेश। 

And since then Ganesha is invoked in the beginning of any ritual or पूजा। 

॥ गणेश वंदना ॥ 

|| End of the Story-act ||

PS: This story-act was performed during our Ganesha celebrations in Sep 2016 with the help of 11 kids, aged from 5 to 9 years; and narrated by me. A few clicks of the play are following.
