This women’s day, and always ...

This women’s day, and always, don’t fall for discounts and offers and spend your time in shopping and ‘just partying’ etc…

Rather, spend a few min on reflecting your journey — where you have come from and where you are.

Understand what often stops you to from performing to your full potential, and prepare your strategy to work around it — and practice it… keep practicing until you perfect it.

Nurture your feminine qualities like empathy and compassions and be kind to yourself… Love yourself along with (sometimes before) loving your near and dear ones.

Challenge yourself, compete with yourself, break your own records
— Positively
— Have a global vision, and focus and work to meet local/simple objective.

Have patience as you walk your baby steps.

Pray. Believe in God.

Don’t expect to be understood by everyone around you… rather understand yourself.

Love yourself. Be alive.

Be choosy. Be focused.

Be improving. Be evolving.

Remember to — Work, Perform, Grow
— for yourself, your child/children, your family & friends, your nation, and the world ... (mostly in given order)
— to make impact
— to be empowered
— on this women’s day and always :)
