SunvAI - developments - Sep, Oct 2018


Happy to share that SunvAI, incubated at IIIT Bangalore, has got selected for Samsung India Socially-focused Early-Stage Startup support in October 2018.


Participated in a Panel Discussion on Topic “Cognitive Computing & Industry / Social Sectors” 

Panelists —

— Mr. Peter Roxburgh, Justice & Care
— Prof. Chandrasekhar Ramanathan, IIITB
— Prof. Jaya Nair, IIITB
— Ms. Anvita Bajpai, Founder - SunvAI
Moderated by Dr. Jai Ganesh, Sr. VP - Mphasis NEXT Labs 

— in the Symposium on “Cognitive Computing & Digital Social Innovation” presented by IIIT Bangalore & Mphasis on 27th Sep 2018

A video recording of the event @ and my talk is in first 12 min of the video, where I have also demonstrated the PoC (proof of concept) of SunvAI as I have spoken about the need for an AI-based-social-tech-system like SunvAI.


Gave a Talk titled 'AI - the 5th Pillar of Democracy', and had a meaningful discussion with the audience while speaking at Artificial Intelligence Connect 2018, on September 7th. More details @
